Names hold a powerful meaning in our world. It is one of the most impactful ways we communicate who we are. Many companies spend countless hours determining what the name of their company will be, because we all know the importance of a good, strong company name. We stand behind the name IQ Total Source, and feel that it represents our expertise and total solution for our customers. But we still had some work to do! Internally, we were holding on to antique language that didn’t truly communicate how we felt about our customers or our employees.

Since the beginning, IQ Total Source has had a “customer service team”. We put that in quotes, because they really are SO much more than that. This team consistently goes above and beyond for our customers. They follow our WISE principles every day and make a big impact in the customer’s experience with us. “Customer service team” just didn’t feel right anymore, so we set out to discover a team name that would communicate exactly who they are.

We will be the first to say, this task was daunting. Our first idea was customer loyalty, because if there’s one thing you should know about our team, it’s how loyal they really are to our customers. But again, our team was so much more than just loyal. Then we found a name that spells out EXACTLY what they are all about.

Customer Success. The name immediately fit like a glove. Customer Success is precisely what our team focuses on. They may provide service and they are very loyal, but what really sets them apart is their drive to make every call, email, or conversation a success for the customer. They also put their customer’s needs first and look for a total solution rather than a quick fix for our customer’s needs. We hope you like the new name as much as we do! Tell us about your experience with our Customer Success Team on Facebook. They would love to hear from you!