Flu Season is on it’s way folks! The best way to survive the 2016 Flu Season is to prevent the spread of the virus. We recommend disinfecting your hands, covering coughs and sneezes, and also disinfecting high traffic areas. Here are 3 other tips:

Keep the windows open
Spending a day in a room full of flu germs is a sure fire way to contract them yourself. Letting in some fresh air will keep some viral particles in the air, while letting others out. This will make it harder for you, and everyone else in the room, to contract them.

Back away from sneezers
This one may sounds obvious, no one likes getting directly sneezed on! But did you know that germs carried in sneezes can travel as much as twenty feet?! So, at the risk of being rude, next time you’re in a room full of coughers and sneezers, politely excuse yourself and walk far away.

Stop touching your face
Touching a germ infested area and then touching your face is essentially the same as putting your mouth on the infected area! Try and avoid doing this as much as possible and use a handkerchief or cloth when touching these areas.

This month, IQ is providing a flu season survival kit with Kleenex, hand sanitizer, and Lysol spray. To get your free kit, just like our Facebook page here and get your coupon code.