Corporate culture determines each and every business transaction that a company makes. The culture of a company encompasses all of its beliefs and values. When a company has a cohesive and productive culture, they tend to get more work done and have a greater impact on their industry. Learn more about how to create a great corporate culture:

company culture

  1. A Culture that Echoes Your Core Values – Your personality will heavily influence company culture because you’re the one at its helm. Think about what makes you successful. Are you communicative? Do you value openness and honesty? Is a work-life balance important to you? Encourage these characteristics as part of your culture so that as your company grows, it doesn’t lose what made it strong to begin with.
  2. Employees Who Naturally Fit In – When hiring, consider personalities and values as well as talent. Four employees that embody the culture and work well as a team are better than one who supposedly does it all but doesn’t mesh well and can’t be bothered. When everyone feels as if they’re working together instead of under someone else, your company culture will thrive and employees will be more inclined to go the extra mile.
  3. Occasions to Check In – Plan activities outside of the office such as a volleyball tournament or beer and wine event to give people the opportunity to relax and mix with others. Talk with the people who you see reflect the company culture the most and ask them about their observations. Could something be done differently or more effectively? Are there occasions where company policy and expectations are unclear? Give your employees a reason to value their work and in turn, watch your company culture grow.
  4. Leaders Who Perpetuate the Culture – The leaders within your business should all be directly responsible for impacting corporate culture. Hiring managers should know of traits to look for, project managers should promote teamwork, communication, and other core values. When faced with a new or difficult situation, any leader within your company should be able to determine a response based on your company culture.
  5. Straightforward Priorities – It can be tempting to want to do it all and grow into the ideal business overnight, but the reality is you’ll need to focus on what is most important in the present. Figure out what will give your company its best boost and push forward with your goal as a team. Expectations will be better understood and your culture will develop cleanly and fully.
  6. Communication – Communicate thoughtfully and thoroughly within your company to promote a better understanding of your mission statement and goals. Reward employees who exemplify your culture while having honest conversations with the ones that don’t. Communicate externally to bolster your company’s reputation and ensure that your customers are confident in your business.

Encouraging company culture is one of the most impactful and important things you can do for your business. Build your culture further by providing promotional items that will remind your team and customers what you stand for. When company culture is strong, so is your business.